

Merger of NDC and LGDR Combines Two Highly Respected Sources of Demographic Research for CA Local Governments

Two leading providers of demographic and redistricting services to California local governments, National Demographics Corporation (NDC) and Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc. (LGDR), are pleased to announce a merger of their two companies. This merger brings the highly regarded LGDR team into NDC’s industry-leading operation serving California and Arizona local governments, and adds analysis of school enrollment demographics to NDC’s portfolio of services. To kick off this partnership, the combined NDC team is welcoming all to attend the “California Demographic Update” webinar on Friday, February 23, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Zoom. This meeting will provide an update on the latest California demographic data and recent new laws impacting local government elections. "We are thrilled to welcome LGDR into the NDC family. This acquisition expands our capabilities and strengthens each company’s strong tradition of service and demographic experience,“ said NDC President Douglas Johnson. “This partnership extends each firm’s [...]

La Palma Successfully Adopts Council Election Districts

On October 4th, the City of La Palma, with the help of the National Demographics Corporation (NDC), successfully adopted Public Draft Map 112 as their new City Council election districts map. Starting in 2024, La Palma voters will elect Councilmembers by-district instead of citywide.

Sacramento Removes More Local Control: AB 2030, AB 2494 and AB 1307

Over the past several months, various bills have passed through the California Governor’s Office that will hamstring local elected officials’ redistricting power. On September 18, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom approved Assembly Bill (AB) 2030, AB 2494 and AB 1307, involving Fresno, Kern, and Riverside counties respectively.

Dublin Completes Shift to By-District Elections

On September 6th, the City of Dublin completed its shift to by-district City Council elections. By-district elections will begin with the 2024 City Council election.

NDC Launches Project 2031

The demographics of every county, city, school district and special district are constantly changing. The 2031 redistricting cycle is just around the corner, and the pressure of time and demands of 2021 redistricting are only going to intensify.

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