Every year, state and federal governments allocate billions of dollars to county, city, school, tribal, and special district governments based on the decennial census. Yet most local governments in the United States fail to participate in the Census Bureau’s many efforts to verify address lists, street names, and new development locations.
The legal liability involved in participating, along with the technical complexity of many programs, often deter local governments from taking part, despite the potential loss of thousands or even millions of dollars in state and federal funding for the ten years following the Census.
Now NDC is here to help.
Expertise in Census Bureau liaison programs is rarely a job description for anyone in local government. National Demographics Corporation is one of a very few firms that specialize in the demographic work associated with the decennial Census.

NDC offers two Census programs tailored to your needs:
Advisor Program
NDC provides guidance and insight to your community’s decennial Census preparation efforts. We make sure you know about all of the available Census programs and their respective deadlines, and we translate the unique language used by Census staff into more direct and practical information for you.
If desired, NDC will act as your community’s official Census liaison, carrying responsibility for all communications between you and the Bureau.
This program is recommended for governments with full GIS mapping and planning departments and the staff available to do the work in-house.
NDC handles all local decennial Census mapping and database work on behalf of your local jurisdiction.
This program is recommended for cities lacking in-house GIS capabilities, or whose GIS team is fully occupied with the day to day City needs or otherwise lacks the time to learn the Census Bureau’s software and data rules.
You can upgrade from the Advisor Program to Full Service at any time.