Nationally recognized as a pioneer in good government districting and redistricting, NDC is especially experienced in working with local jurisdictions in California, Arizona and Nevada. With over 250 successful county, city, school district, community college district, water district, and special district districting and redistricting projects completed, NDC is, by far, responsible for successfully districting and redistricting more local governments than any other firm.
Since our founding in 1979, NDC has successfully guided clients nationwide through every aspect of the districting and redistricting process. We have a unique combination of expertise in the Federal and California Voting Rights Act requirements, the technical challenges of districting, and in public education and outreach on these issues.
The 3 E’s
Redistricting is an odd and complicated topic. Simply posting a standard hearing notice is not going to turn out a crowd.
NDC’s trademark “3 E’s” approach to districting and redistricting — Engage, Educate, and Empower — has a proven record of generating constructive public participation in these projects.
Of course, there is a concern about ‘too much of a good thing.’ NDC has successfully engaged, educated and empowered some client jurisdictions to the point where residents submit 15, 30, 40 or 50 maps, and that is where NDC’s experience really shines, as we know how to review and group community submissions to efficiently review and narrow the pool of maps down to the three to five that capture the goals of all the map authors and enable residents, staff and elected officials to focus on the key decisions that need to be made to arrive at a final map.
More about Redistricting & Districting
If your county, city, school district, water district, or special district is considering redistricting or contemplating a move from at-large to by-district and from-district election systems, contact NDC today.